No, dogs should not be given chocolate as it is poisonous. If you believe your dog has eaten chocolate we recommend immediately contacting your vet or calling the Pet Poison Helpline (855-213-6680).
No, dogs should not be given chocolate as it is poisonous. If you believe your dog has eaten chocolate we recommend immediately contacting your vet or calling the Pet Poison Helpline (855-213-6680).
No, unfortunately dogs are not allowed both grapes and raisins. Whilst it’s not clear precisely what causes the issue, grapes can lead to kidney failure.
Yes, whilst it’s fine to feed your dog small amounts of lettuce there is little nutritional value and eating a large amount can cause diarrhea.
Yes, mangoes are very popular with dogs as they are sweet and can make for a great cooling treats in the hot weather. The mango seed can represent a choking hazard, so either remove it or monitor your dog whilst they enjoy them.
Yes, dogs can eat mushrooms - however, not all mushrooms are safe and you should prefer not to feed them if you’re unsure as the wrong type of mushroom can be fatally toxic
No, under no circumstances should dogs be fed onions or foods containing onions. Onions are fatally dangerous to dogs so if you believe a dog has eaten some onion call your vet or animal poison control ((888) 426-4435)
Yes, dogs are allowed peeled orange segments. We recommend giving your dog oranges moderately as the sugar content is on the high side and in large amounts chemicals in oranges can be poisonous.
Generally speaking, peanuts are safe for your dog! But, other common nuts such as: almonds, pistachios, walnuts, macadamia, and pecans . . . are not safe for your dog.
Yes, pineapple makes for a tasty and refreshing treat for dogs. As with most things in life, we recommend giving pineapple to your dogs in moderation as they are high in natural sugar and too much can disrupt their digestive system
Yes and No, whilst Pistachios are not necessarily toxic to dogs they are very high in fats and can contain molds which put your dog at risk of liver failure